What makes us tick? You do!
We live in a world of ideas and possibilities. The challenge we face is the saturation of media competing for our overloaded attention. It’s become more and more difficult to be heard. Almost as a defense mechanism, people become more discerning in what they consume; they look for key phrases, appealing design, and innovative ways of presenting ideas. Some idea makers will rise to the top. Those that can harness the skills of clear, effective communication are likely to be the catalysts for change.
And this is where you come in.
The Better Presenter is about you. Don’t believe it? How many of the following statements are true?
How’d we do? Pretty close? We use these statements to describe our “ideal reader” because they also define The Better Presenter team.
(we told you it was coming!)
The Better Presenter is made up of public speakers, trainers, facilitators, Toastmasters, writers, and designers all brought together to create a blog and presentation training programs that are as informative as they are engaging.
We've successfully coached professionals from a variety of industries and created dynamic presentations for companies all over the world. In our years of experience, we have learned the roadblocks you will face on your journey to becoming an effective communicator. Whether you’re procrastinating in getting started, uncertain of how to craft your message, or limited by fear, we can help you transform how you communicate with others. You will captivate your audience by becoming a more fearless, dynamic, and empathetic speaker.
The Better Presenter site was created by award-winning public speaker, Christopher Vaillancourt. A corporate trainer and facilitator for over 25 years, Chris is constantly seeking out new systems, methods. and techniques to improve the quality of the programs he delivers.
"If we stop the learning process, we stop growing and limit our ability to serve. This website has been a massive learning experience for all involved already and we’re excited to share it”
Let’s get started!
P.S. We’d like to leave you with this simple Call to Action; visit our blog and subscribe to be notified as soon as new posts are available. Comment on the posts that are most meaningful to you so we can learn how to best serve you. Good communication helps us all be better.
Our self-directed multimedia program will gently guide you through presentation planning, preparation, and performance (alliteration is fun!)
Public speaking can be pretty scary. Some believe it’s the #1 fear in North America (it isn’t!). We’ll show you how you can overcome stage fright and even make it your friend
If you wanted to learn about a subject, would you only read one book? Ask one person? Think of our community as new world of mentors and support